Prosperna Marketing Site | <strong>The Importance of Responsive Web Design for eCommerce Stores</strong>
Why Responsive eCommerce Design Is Important for Your Business

The Importance of Responsive Web Design for eCommerce Stores

Do you need a responsive eCommerce web design for your business? You do — if you don’t want to lose potential customers and sales! 

Many consumers shop online with their phones, so a responsive eCommerce site ensures a seamless buying experience from desktop computer screens to smartphones. 

Whether you own a small eCommerce business or a big enterprise, your site must have the same look and functionality and be flexible on all devices. A responsive website design does just that! 

Curious to learn more about how a responsive eCommerce site can benefit your business? Wait no further – let’s dive right in! 

What is Responsive eCommerce Web Design?

Responsive web design is an approach to designing websites where content and code can easily adjust depending on screen size. 

Basically, a responsive eCommerce website: 

  • Automatically adjusts for different-sized screens and viewports. Your online shop visitors don’t need to pinch and zoom, which makes purchasing on cellphones and tablets easier. 
  • Will look perfect no matter what device someone uses. It’s more convenient than traditional designs that don’t work well with various gadgets like smartphones or tablets.
  • Aims to provide an optimal user experience regardless if the visitor comes in through a desktop computer, laptop, or phone.

With that, let’s look at how responsive web design can improve your customers’ online buying experience.

responsive eCommerce: people working

Benefits of Responsive Design for eCommerce

Smartphone and tablet use has risen significantly. Here in the Philippines, many consumers have identified themselves as mobile-first shoppers. 

Aside from the obvious benefits of creating a website that works on all devices (instead of creating separate ones), here are the key advantages of having a responsive eCommerce.

Improved User Experience

Responsive eCommerce provides a better user experience because customers can easily navigate your website on any device, including mobile phones and tablets. In turn, it can increase customer satisfaction because users can easily find what they want.

Increased Sales

If your customers have a positive experience on your website, they are more likely to make a purchase. Plus, a responsive website can help increase your conversion rate because users on the go are more likely to buy from a mobile-friendly site. 

Improved Brand Awareness

A responsive design can also lead to improved brand awareness. By leaving a positive impression on your customers, they are more likely to recommend your website to others. 

Increased Traffic

Google favors websites that provide a good user experience. Thanks to Google’s mobile-first indexing policy, a responsive website can improve your search engine ranking. In turn, your site becomes more visible, potentially driving more traffic to your site. 

Lower Maintenance Costs

A responsive design is also easier to maintain because you do not need to hire a separate team of designers and developers to maintain one website. Or you can also choose a simple and affordable eCommerce platform (like Prosperna) that offers responsive design to save on costs down the road. 

responsive eCommerce: people working on website design

Elements of a Responsive Web Design for eCommerce

Responsive web design is the future of the web. To help you get started with making your eCommerce website responsive, here are essential elements you need to consider:

  • Fluid grid: A fluid grid is a grid that adapts to the size of the device it’s being viewed on. It means that the width and height of the grid will change depending on the device’s size.
  • Media queries: Media queries are cascading style sheets (CSS) rules that allow you to target different devices. Simply put, CSS directs how visual elements show on your website.
  • Flexible images: The width and height of the image will change depending on the size of the device.
  • Responsive typography: The font size will change depending on the device it’s being viewed on.
  • Cross-browser compatibility: A responsive website needs to be compatible with all major browsers, including Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Safari.
  • Search engine friendly: It should be easy for search engines to crawl and index.
  • Accessible and user-friendly: It should be easy to use and navigate for all users, including those with disabilities. And it’s optimized for touch for mobile and tablet users.
  • Secure: A responsive website should have a valid SSL certificate, with all data encrypted.
  • Compatible with all devices: Able to load on all devices, ensuring a fast loading time and ease of use regardless of device.
  • Support Team: You should have a team of experts who can help you maintain, update, and troubleshoot any problems.
  • Customizable: You should be able to change the CSS rules on your responsive website to match your brand’s style. Consider a minimalistic design to avoid a cramped look on small screens.
  • Scalable and future-proof: Should be able to handle a large amount of traffic and new technologies and trends.
  • Cost-effective: It should be affordable for all businesses, including small businesses. 

By following these tips, you can create a responsive web design for your eCommerce website that will provide a better user experience for your customers.

Responsive eCommerce FAQs

How much does it cost to make my eCommerce website responsive?

The cost of making your eCommerce website responsive depends on the scope of work, including the design and functionalities your online store needs. 

How long does it take to make my eCommerce website responsive?

Again, the answer to this question depends on the size and complexity of your website. Generally, you can expect the process to take between one and six months.

Choose Responsive eCommerce 

Responsive web design is vital for eCommerce stores because it provides a better user experience, increased sales, and more brand awareness. 

You could miss out on many potential customers if you’re not using a responsive design. So, keep these benefits in mind when designing your eCommerce website. 

Looking for an all-in-one eCommerce website? Scan me!

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In fact, we are super passionate about helping Philippine MSMEs we’re giving you a free account forever! 

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Picture of Dennis Velasco

Dennis Velasco

Dennis Velasco is the CEO and Founder of Prosperna, an all-in-one eCommerce platform for Philippine businesses. As a technology evangelist at heart, Dennis is super passionate about helping MSMEs "level the playing field" with technology. Feel free to connect with him on Facebook and LinkedIn.

Prosperna Marketing Site | <strong>The Importance of Responsive Web Design for eCommerce Stores</strong>

Dennis Velasco

Dennis Velasco is the CEO and Founder of Prosperna, an all-in-one eCommerce platform for Philippine businesses. As a technology evangelist at heart, Dennis is super passionate about helping MSMEs "level the playing field" with technology. Feel free to connect with him on Facebook and LinkedIn.

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