Check out the story of SOMA’s, and how they were able to bring curated booze and food to Filipinos and dayuhans, in times of pandemic.
Digital Happy Hour #010 | feat. Eski Ripoll of Soma’s Booze | Prosperna LIVE

Check out the story of SOMA’s, and how they were able to bring curated booze and food to Filipinos and dayuhans, in times of pandemic.
Have you ever wondered how to build and manage businesses in different industries? Listen in on the journey of Spectrum Group of Companies.
In this episode, Patty Henson inspires us to see insurance in a more positive light. Plus an innovative way of purchasing your insurance.
Get the latest digital news, trends, and tips! Learn what’s really working and not working in online selling, no matter the industry.
If your business is online, content marketing is a must! Learn the essentials of content for your business from Fleire of ContentDash.
What are the 5 things that Philippine MSMEs are doing wrong? Seasoned entrepreneur and business consultant, Fro spills the beans on these.
Be inspired by the story of how Poklee Foods started their journey of being a small home-grown food business in the midst of pandemic.
Digital adoption of Philippine MSMEs got accelerated because of the pandemic. Get tips on how to go digital the right way on this episode.
Get the latest digital news, trends, and tips! Learn what Social Commerce is, and the best practices to succeed in your online business.
Get the latest digital news, trends, and tips! Learn what Mobile Commerce is, and the best practices to succeed in your online business.